Kim Bremmer Kim Bremmer
shared this article 4 years ago
Topics: Livestock/Meat, Dairy, Agriculture US, Poultry, Water, Pork/Swine/Pig/Hog, Fertilizer,

Agriculture is frequently blamed for issues that may or may not have been caused by agriculture practices today. The topic of nitrates in drinking water is one of those things. Isotope testing is an available tool that farmers should be aware of when the topic is brought up on their farms. Too often policy makers and the environmental regulatory community want black and white answers when it might be more complicated than that. Nitrates have many other sources, and continuing to always point the blame at agriculture and add more layers of regulation are not helpful solutions.

Randy Krotz Randy Krotz
shared this article 4 years ago
Topics: Poultry, Beef Cattle, Pork/Swine/Pig/Hog, Coronavirus/COVID,


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