07/12/2023 SOURCE: www.msn.com
There are a variety of ways high school students can choose to spend their free time — including clubs, sports and community service. Andrew Garman he has always been interested in welding and fabrication and has spent time working at a welding shop. Rem McBride has experience working on demolition derby cars. And Audrey Shutts builds props and other equipment for a theater. Those diverse ...
Think FFA is all about farming? This week’s NC convention shows you’re ... almost right
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07/11/2023 SOURCE: www.msn.com
Thousands of high school students are in Dallas this week for the 95th Texas FFA State Convention.
Thousands of high school students in Dallas this week for Texas FFA State Convention
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07/10/2023 SOURCE: www.msn.com
Namibia has placed more weight on agriculture and forestry as key sectors in which carbon credits can be traded in Namibia, as agricultural practices, such as conservation tillage and soil carbon sequestration, can remove carbon from the atmosphere and store it in the soil.Recent studies have found that forests take in about 30% of the carbon emissions from burning fossil fuels globally.Other related sectors that Namibia has also lined up as...
Agriculture, Forestry to Play Key Role in Namibia's Carbon Markets
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07/10/2023 SOURCE: www.msn.com
William Kigbu is the volunteer beekeeper at O'Brien Farm in St. John's, and works to maintain the apiary's four hives.
The bees are buzzing, and so is this N.L. beekeeper from Nigeria
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07/10/2023 SOURCE: www.msn.com
SORRENTO — Keith Seifert Jr. is calm surrounded by bees. While he wears protective gear over his head, the 34-year-old beekeeper leaves his arms exposed in a T-shirt as he opens up a hive under the sand pines on his Sorrento property in Lake County. It’s when he starts talking about the onslaught of trouble his Sweet Bee Company has faced over the last year that Seifert gets tense. It’s been ...
Florida beekeeper feels the sting from dead bees, less honey money
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07/10/2023 SOURCE: www.msn.com
Thousands of high school students are in Dallas this week for the 95th Texas FFA State Convention.
Thousands of high school students in Dallas this week for Texas FFA State Convention
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07/08/2023 SOURCE: www.msn.com
Declining harvests and dwindling fish hauls make Boko Haram appealing for young men in the Lake Chad region.
How climate change inflames extremist insurgency in Africa
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07/07/2023 SOURCE: www.msn.com
Farmers are often singled out by environmental activists, who believe that their practices contribute to climate change.
Elon Musk Has a Surprise Weapon for Farmers Worldwide
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07/07/2023 SOURCE: www.msn.com
Honeybees are often heralded as a symbol of biodiversity and a key species for plant pollination. In recent years, calls to “save the bees” have led to a rise in backyard beekeeping—but the practice does not help declining native pollinators. Despite the benefits of keeping bees, past studies have shown that honeybees, which are not native to the U...
Pollination From Honeybees Could Make Plants Less Fit to Survive and Reproduce
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07/07/2023 SOURCE: www.msn.com
From April of last year to April of this year, 48% of honey bee colonies prematurely died off.
Nearly half of honey bee colonies died in 2023 after three tumultuous years
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