Team AgWiki Team AgWiki
shared this article 2 years ago

The following article is authored by two assistant professors at the University of Nebraska, one in Cybersecurity and the other in Political Science. The focus of the piece is to highlight the new opportunities that exist for exploitation in the field of agriculture. Specifically, those related to gathering agricultural data via GPS, internet-connected sensors, etc. Information that is increasingly valuable to farmers but an enticing target for hackers and others.

Rise of precision agriculture exposes food system to new threats

Bringing advanced technologies to the ancient practice of farming could help feed the world’s growing population, but it could also open the door for people looking to disrupt the global food system.

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Team AgWiki Team AgWiki
shared this article 2 years ago
Topics: Agriculture US, Water, Environment, USDA, Government / Policies,

Supreme Court to weigh in on 'waters of the US'

The Sackett v. EPA case marks another attempt to pin down what is a waters of the U.S., or WOTUS, an issue that has been debated for years with the legal ambiguity a thorn in the side of farmers and ranchers, property developers and others seeking clarity on how not to run afoul of federal law.

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Nancy Kavazanjian Nancy Kavazanjian
shared this article 2 years ago
Topics: Precision AG , Agriculture Global, Ag Innovation,
Nancy Kavazanjian Nancy Kavazanjian
shared this article 2 years ago


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