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Topics: Soybeans, Environment, Commodity/Trade Groups,
Biodiesel Board Rebrands as Clean Fuels Alliance America
The National Biodiesel Board today unveiled its new name and new brand, Clean Fuels Alliance America, during the opening session of the 2022 National Biodiesel Conference & Expo. The transformation to Clean Fuels helps the industry represent all its industry members: biodiesel, renewable diesel and
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Topics: Corn/Maize, Ethanol/Biofuel, Sustainability, Renewable Energy (Solar/Wind),
California E15 Testing to Start
With more than 15 million cars registered in the state, California has almost twice as many vehicles on the road than any other state in the nation, which makes it the number one market for growing domestic ethanol demand. To that end, the National Corn Growers Association (NCGA), state corn org
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Topics: Agriculture US, Sustainability, Climate Change,
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