02/13/2022 SOURCE: illinoisnewsroom.org

The American Farm Bureau Federation claims it’s the ‘Voice of Agriculture.’ These groups beg to differ. - Illinois Newsroom

This story is a collaboration between Investigate Midwest and Watchdog Writers Group. The newsrooms are continuing to cover Farm Bureaus and their influence. Is there an aspect of the Farm Bureau you think is underreported or not getting enough attention? Please contact Sky Chadde, sky.chadde@investigatemidwest.org, or Madison McVan, madison.mcvan@investigatemidwest.org. The American Farm Bureau Federation calls itself the “Voice […]

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Nancy Kavazanjian Nancy Kavazanjian
shared this article 3 years ago
Topics: Agriculture US, Economics, AgriBusiness,


Your Trusted Voice We are the voice of progressive dairy farmers in the nation. We are an industry organization led by farmers. This ensures that those most affected by governmental policy have a vehicle to protect their interests and ensure the growth and future livelihood of the industry. The American Dairy Coalition focuses on federal dairy policy.