05/16/2024 SOURCE: investigatemidwest.org
Investigate Midwest spent months investigating how the company’s decision to close plants across the country affected contract growers.
What you need to know about Tyson’s former contract growers - Investigate Midwest
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02/13/2022 SOURCE: illinoisnewsroom.org
This story is a collaboration between Investigate Midwest and Watchdog Writers Group. The newsrooms are continuing to cover Farm Bureaus and their influence. Is there an aspect of the Farm Bureau you think is underreported or not getting enough attention? Please contact Sky Chadde, sky.chadde@investigatemidwest.org, or Madison McVan, madison.mcvan@investigatemidwest.org. The American Farm Bureau Federation calls itself the “Voice […]
The American Farm Bureau Federation claims it’s the ‘Voice of Agriculture.’ These groups beg to differ. - Illinois Newsroom
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Topics: Agriculture US, Economics, AgriBusiness,
The Iowa Farm Bureau is a small nonprofit. It's sitting on a huge business empire. - Investigate Midwest
The Iowa Farm Bureau Federation, the country’s most profitable farm bureau, influences most aspects of agricultural policy in the state. One profitable loan underscores how large and complex the organization has become.
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