John LaRose Jr. John LaRose Jr.
shared this article 3 years ago
Topics: Agriculture US, Organic, Economics, Sustainability, Urban Farming, Government / Policies,

Food insecure urban agriculture matching grant funds now available

The Missouri Department of Agriculture announced the availability of Food Insecure Urban Agriculture Matching Grant funds of up to $50,000 per project. Applications for the grant funds must benefit residents affected by food insecurity in urbanized areas and are due by Sept. 30, 2021. Projects must be complete and ready for verification by April 1, 2022. The Food Insecure Urban Agriculture Matching Grant will fund projects that address food insecurity within urbanized areas. Applicants must provide a minimum 25% match for their project in a combination of cash or in-kind contributions; however, the cash match must be greater than 50%

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John LaRose Jr. John LaRose Jr.
shared this article 3 years ago
Topics: Agriculture US, Crop Consultant, Agriculture Global, Economics, Sustainability, Regenerative Agriculture, Education,

Commentary: Family farms are the solution, corporate agriculture is the problem

DISCLAIMER: This article is a commentary. The statements and opinions contained in the article are those of the author, Tim Gibbons. The opinions expressed by the author do not necessarily reflect the views or opinions of KTTN/KGOZ Radio, staff, management, or webmaster. (Missouri Independent) - Last month, Missouri Rural Crisis Center held a telephone town hall with thousands of Missourians across our state. The conversation focused on how we can work together to stop foreign corporate ownership of Missouri farmland, which is an important task we have to undertake. But, foreign corporate ownership of Missouri farmland is a symptom of

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