Topics: Dairy, Agriculture US, Agriculture Global, Economics, Sustainability, Fertilizer,
On-farm dry manure bedding management: Goals and pitfalls
Taking steps to minimize bacteria in manure solids used for bedding is beneficial for milk quality and herd health.
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Topics: Dairy, Animal Welfare/Humane Treatment, Research, Animal Health,
Body condition in transition cows
Excellent nutrition during lactation results in proper body condition in dry cows, which is a determining factor for a successful next lactation.
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02/16/2021 SOURCE: www.progressivedairy.com
While beet pulp is well-known for being an energy concentrate that cows love, feed beets have yet to be discovered in a big way.
Feed beets: An economical substitute for grains
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01/25/2021 SOURCE: www.progressivedairy.com
Partnering with a management company, a Vermont dairy looks to feed a digester for financial and environmental gains.
Methane from manure: An income stream to consider
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01/08/2021 SOURCE: www.progressivedairy.com
The COVID-19 relief bill provides additional support for dairy producers, processors and consumers.
Stimulus package and dairy: Some clarity, some questions
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09/16/2020 SOURCE: www.progressivedairy.com
From little on, Anna Hinchley-Skadahl has loved dairy farming as a way of life. So much, in fact, that at just age 22, she is already investing in her future at Hinchley’s Dairy Farm in Cambridge, Wisconsin.
Hinchley-Skadahl heads home to begin dairy farming career
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