Climate Change
Kim Bremmer Kim Bremmer
shared this article 4 years ago
Topics: Dairy, Sustainability, Beef Cattle, Climate Change,

This is an important topic that doesn't get talked about enough...cattle improve the planet. Yes, everything we as humans do has an impact on our climate, but cattle are not adding to additional warming. Farmers around the world continue to produce more food using fewer resources than ever before because of advancements in science, technology and innovation.

Randy Krotz Randy Krotz
shared this article 4 years ago
Topics: Recycling, Environment, Climate Change,


Your Trusted Voice We are the voice of progressive dairy farmers in the nation. We are an industry organization led by farmers. This ensures that those most affected by governmental policy have a vehicle to protect their interests and ensure the growth and future livelihood of the industry. The American Dairy Coalition focuses on federal dairy policy.