01/11/2024 SOURCE: www.eurekalert.org

Nutrition needs drive bee appetites

Scientists at the USDA Forest Service’s Rocky Mountain Research Station and the University of Nevada, Reno studied the foraging habits of wild bees. Their findings, published today in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, can help guide seed and plant choices that support and enhance wild bee populations. In short, their research showed that different bee species have different nutritional needs. Given that not all pollens are the same, bees forage accordingly to meet their unique needs. This research may help fight against pollinator declines through better design of rangeland restoration projects.     

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01/11/2024 SOURCE: www.msn.com

Improving soil health with aeration curing for sludge management

The construction industry is recognized for its high resource consumption and large waste generation. Among the waste products generated are construction-generated sludge (CGS) and construction-generated surplus soil (CGSS). These can be used for various applications such as backfilling, creating environmentally friendly building materials like bricks, and soil stabilization.

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