John LaRose Jr. John LaRose Jr.
shared this article 1 year ago
Topics: Agriculture Global, Sustainability, World Hunger, Government / Policies, World Population,

01/05/2024 SOURCE:

Iowa State University team helps roll out national soil carbon program for working lands

An Iowa State University-led group will lead training for a process to measure and monitor soil carbon stocks as part of a new national program meant to provide a basis for financial assistance to farmers and landowners who adopt climate-smart conservation practices. The “Know Your Carbon Landscape” project will also gather data to support carbon-related research and education at demonstration sites in the Midwest that are part of a Long-Term Agroecosystem Research (LTAR) network coordinated by USDA’s Agricultural Research Service.

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01/05/2024 SOURCE:

The Choctaw Nation of Oklahoma to host free beekeeping workshop

The Choctaw Nation of Oklahoma (CNO) will be hosting a beekeeping workshop at the Choctaw Nation Durant Community Center on January 6, from 9:00 a.m. until 4:00 p.m. Participants will learn beekeeping basics including how to get started, best practices, and general pollinator knowledge. The workshop is free and open to the public. No registration is required.

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