Brandon Lance Brandon Lance
shared this article 5 years ago

ELBOW LAKE, Minn. — Brad Larson was 12 years old when the first National Ag Day came around in 1973. He's lived through 45 of them but the March 20 observance at the Larson Farm and Feedlot will be like the ones before — a work day. National Ag Day is primarily focused on the U.S. Department of Agriculture in Washington, D.C., with lunches, speeches, and dinners, and an event led by the Agriculture Council of America. The National Ag Day Program and ACA program were both started in 1973 as a way to increase public awareness of agriculture's role in society. Larson, 57, of course supports National Ag Day, and thinks it's probably a good thing for educating the public about agriculture. But the event barely registers here at home.

Chris Feix Chris Feix
shared this article 5 years ago
Topics: Apps / Software, Ag Innovation,
Matthew Kroger Matthew Kroger
shared this image 5 years ago
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Lindens are such Awesome Trees!

Matthew Kroger Matthew Kroger
shared this article 5 years ago
Topics: Soil Health, Beekeeping, Food/Nutrition, Ag Global Specialty Food,

At my Apiary this is one of our fundamental guiding principals we steward our bees with. It is becoming increasingly harder and harder to operate under this traditional paradigm with all of the toxic chemicals that honeybees are continually bombarded with on a daily basis. Sadly we keep exposing them to more and more as tome passes with each year. Even knowing the perils and pitfalls of doing so profits seem to be more important than longterm tangible assets...


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