08/27/2024 SOURCE: ukragroconsult.com

Drought plagues Bulgarian corn crop

Bulgaria is forecast to produce its smallest corn crop in more than a decade due to severe drought impacting the region, according to a report from the Foreign Agricultural Service (FAS) of the US Department of Agriculture. The FAS projects Bulgarian corn production to decline to 2.2 million tonnes, down from 2.45 million in 2023-24.

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08/27/2024 SOURCE: www.allotsego.com

The Partial Observer: The Last Roundup

As the result of the massive financial and reputational blows caused by ongoing litigation in recent years concerning Monsanto’s herbicide, Roundup, the German pharmaceutical giant Bayer has merged with Monsanto, the largest producer of genetically-engineered seeds. Bayer has assured that the politi

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Randy Krotz Randy Krotz
shared this article 3 weeks ago
Topics: Agriculture US, Environment, Regenerative Agriculture,
John LaRose Jr. John LaRose Jr.
shared this article 3 weeks ago
Topics: Agriculture Global, Ag Africa, Food Security/Shortage,

08/21/2024 SOURCE: impactfarming.libsyn.com

Impact Farming: Canada’s Looming National Rail CRISIS I Mark Walker from Cereals Canada

In this special segment, Tracy speaks to Mark Walker from Cereals Canada about “Canada’s Looming National Rail Crisis.” Canada is on the brink of entering a historical and catastrophic rail crisis. Join us as we speak to Mark and clarify what is happening. In this episode: - What happens if they strike? - What are the consequences to Canada, our reliability as a trade partner, businesses, consumers, and farmers who are working hard to get the crops off and need the rail system working in full force? - What can the federal government do, and why has nothing been done? - What are the commodity groups doing? Who is representing farmers? Have you signed the stop the strike petition yet? If not, please do so. The government needs to hear us loud and clear. A special thank you to Mark for joining us on such short notice to discuss this critical event. Thank you Mark! RESOURCES Stop The Strike Petition - Please sign and have our voices heard https://stopthestrike.ca Thanks for tuning in, friends, Tracy Brunet Farm Marketer Host of The Impact Farming Show

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