Topics: Wheat, Precision AG , Commodities, Agriculture US, Crop Consultant, Agriculture Global, Food/Nutrition, Commodity/Trade Groups,
Texas wheat production average despite challenges | AgriLife Today
The Texas wheat grain crop faced a number of challenges this season but the overall expectation is that acres will produce average yields.
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06/07/2021 SOURCE:
Changes in environment, government policy, technology and more have increased interest in carbon farming, Texas A&M AgriLife experts say.
Is Carbon The 'Crop' Of The Future?
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Topics: Education U.S. SouthWest, Sustainability, Research, World Hunger, World Population, Education,
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Topics: Soil Health, Herbicides, Pesticides, Education U.S. SouthWest, Ag Innovation, Education,
Panhandle farm, ranch management symposium set Dec. 1| AgriLife Today
The Panhandle Farm and Ranch Management Symposium hosted by the Texas A&M AgriLife Extension Service will take place virtually on Dec. 1.
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Topics: Agriculture US, Agriculture Global, Education U.S. SouthWest, Economics, World Population, Coronavirus/COVID, Education,
Bat Week an opportunity to separate fears from facts | AgriLife Today
Bats play an integral part in the Texas ecosystem, saving billions of dollars. Texas A&M AgriLife experts say that bat is a friend, not foe.
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Topics: Vegetables, Economics, World Hunger, World Population, Coronavirus/COVID, Education,
Lettuce losses could cause shortage across U.S. | AgriLife Today
Lettuce crop losses could affect availability and prices at Texas grocery stores and restaurants highlighting supply chain fragility.
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Topics: Wheat, Soil Health, Herbicides, Weeds, Cover Crops, Crop Consultant, Education U.S. SouthWest, Sustainability, Research, Ag Innovation,
Field testing new integrated weed management strategies | AgriLife Today
A Texas A&M AgriLife-led study will research new weed management strategies to reduce weeds and mitigate the increasing herbicide resistance.
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Topics: Education U.S. SouthWest, Food/Nutrition, Sustainability, Research, Ag Global Specialty Food, Pecans,
Texas A&M AgriLife offers consumer tips on pecans | AgriLife Today
Changes in consumer behavior - cooking, health - have greatly enhanced the interest in pecans as both a holiday and everyday food.
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Topics: Wheat, Soybeans, Agriculture US, Vegetables, Beekeeping, Sustainability, Grapes, Pollinators,
Texas honey production tops 7.4 million pounds | AgriLife Today
Texas remained sixth in the nation for honey production in 2019, and is home to thousands of overwintering honey bee hives.
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Topics: Rice, Markets/Pricing, Agriculture US, Agriculture Global, Education U.S. SouthWest, Economics, Sustainability, World Hunger, World Population, Education,
Rice crop, market likely up for Texas producers | AgriLife Today
Early indications show Texas rice farmers produced a bumper crop amid a market that could experience a price increase.
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