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11/11/2022 SOURCE:

Value of agricultural output in the EU up 8% in 2021

In 2021, agricultural output in the EU was valued at €449.5 billion (bn) in basic prices, representing an increase of 8% compared with 2020. This change stemmed from an increase in the price for agricultural goods and services as a whole (an estimated +7.5%), with volume of output remaining little changed from 2020 (an estimated +0.8%). This information comes from the economic accounts for agriculture (EAA) for 2021 published by Eurostat today. This news item presents a handful of findings from the more detailed Statistics Explained article. Eurostat will also publish the first estimates of the EAA for the year 2022 on 19 December 2022. Almost three quarters of the value of the EU’s agricultural output in 2021 came from seven Member States; these were France (€82.4 bn, equivalent to 18% of the EU total), Italy (€61.2 bn, or 14%), Germany (€59.2 bn, or 13%), Spain (€57.1 bn, or 13%), the Netherlands (€30.6 bn, or 7%), Poland (€27.9 bn, or 6%) and Romania (€21.1 bn, or 5%).   Source dataset: aact_eaa01   A majority of the EU Member States registered a rise in the value of agricultural output in 2021 compared with 2020. The sharpest rates of increase were recorded in Bulgaria (+37%), Romania (+25%) and Czechia (+16%). By contrast, the values of agricultural output in Finland, Malta and Cyprus remained broadly unchanged in 2021 from their respective levels in 2020, and decreased in Denmark (-2%) and Slovenia (-4%). Among other key Member States, the value of agricultural output increased by 10% in Spain, 8% in France and the Netherlands, 6% in Italy and Poland, and 3% in Germany. A little more than half (55%) of the value of the EU’s agricultural output in 2021 came from crops (€248.7 bn, +13% compared with 2020). A little more than one third (36%) came from animals and animal products (€163.1 bn, + 3% compared with 2020). The remaining share came from agricultural services and secondary activities. EU agricultural input costs not related to investment (intermediate consumption) were 10% h...

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Nancy Kavazanjian Nancy Kavazanjian
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Nancy Kavazanjian Nancy Kavazanjian
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Nancy Kavazanjian Nancy Kavazanjian
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