Topics: Wheat, Commodities, Economics, Trade (Commodities),
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Topics: Beekeeping, Beyond Organic , Sustainability, Pollinators,
New Breed of Honeybees Offer Hope Against Commercial Bees’ Biggest Threat - EcoWatch
Human-raised honeybees are in trouble, and the biggest threat they face is the varroa mite. This is an eight-legged parasite that is smaller than a pinhead, Science explained. It harms bees by feeding on their fat and weakening their immune systems, and also by spreading viruses the bees are then less able to defend themselves against.
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Topics: Soil Health,
Why soil is a surprisingly noisy place
The worms, grubs and roots rummaging unseen beneath our feet produce a cacophony of sounds that we are only just starting to listen to and understand.
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Topics: Soil Health, Crop Consultant, Water, Sustainability, Fertilizer,
How Do We Solve The Problem Of Agricultural Nutrient Runoff?
Agricultural runoff from Midwestern farms is a major contributor to a vast “dead zone” in the Gulf of Mexico. Nitrogen, phosphorous and other farm nutrients drain into the Mississippi River, which empties into the Gulf, spurring algae to overpopulate and suffocating other aquatic life. Illinois is a main culprit in this ongoing environmental blight.
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Topics: Organic, Conservation/Tillage, Hobby Farming, Food/Nutrition, Sustainability, Environment, Ag Innovation, Government / Policies, Climate Change, Disability and Agriculture,
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Topics: Sustainability, World Hunger, Government / Policies, World Population,
The fight for Zero Hunger continues
Hunger has been rising globally since 2014, the risk of famine in some countries is real and malnutrition rates are still very high. Having been a world leader on nutrition through its last seven-year budget, the EU needs to take up its responsibility again, argue a group of advocates.
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April's USDA WASDE Report Sees Soybean Exports Picking Up
USDA on Friday released its latest April Crop Production and World Agricultural Supply and Demand Estimates (WASDE) reports.
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Topics: Agriculture Global, Beekeeping, Pollinators,
Why a new type of super honey bee could offer hope against a deadly threat wiping out hives
Researchers say it is feasible to introduce the new breed widely raising hopes of a global recovery in honey bee populations
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