Nancy Kavazanjian Nancy Kavazanjian
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John LaRose Jr. John LaRose Jr.
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Nancy Kavazanjian Nancy Kavazanjian
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Nancy Kavazanjian Nancy Kavazanjian
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John LaRose Jr. John LaRose Jr.
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John LaRose Jr. John LaRose Jr.
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Nancy Kavazanjian Nancy Kavazanjian
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Topics: Agriculture US, Sugar Beets, AgriBusiness,

Justice Department sues to block consolidation in the sugar industry | Agweek

United States Sugar Corp., a Clewiston, Florida, company that markets sugar cooperatively with Red River Valley sugarbeet growers, is seeking to purchase Imperial Sugar Co., including a major refinery in the Savannah, Georgia, area. The U.S. Department of Justice on Tuesday, Nov. 23, announced it is suing to block the purchase that could increase the market share of United Sugars Corp., the Edina, Minn.-based co-op marketing company, from its current 25% market share, to 32% to 34%.

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Nancy Kavazanjian Nancy Kavazanjian
shared this article 3 years ago
Topics: Soil Health, Sustainability, Fertilizer,


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