10/03/2024 SOURCE: feeds.feedblitz.com
We invite ALL horticulture professionals (nursery, greenhouse, Christmas tree, vegetable, row crops, fruit, turf management, arborist, landscape professionals, etc. ) to attend the following educational sessions surrounding overall plant health topics, pest management principals, and pesticide use and safety considerationsVirtual and In-Person Credit Meetings this October – Rutgers Horticulture Plant Health Educational Series
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08/05/2024 SOURCE: www.agproud.com
The best way to treat flies is to first understand what fly you are treating for. Remember: Face flies are found on the face, stable flies are found on front legs, and horn flies are found on the back and sides.
Controlling flies on cattle
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07/15/2024 SOURCE: www.rfdtv.com
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06/04/2024 SOURCE: gazettengr.com
Mr Umar said that the programme equipped the benefiting farmers with tools to mitigate the impact of pests on tomato plants.
Group trains 60,000 Kano farmers in modern control of tomato diseases
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05/22/2024 SOURCE: www.acsh.org
Tort lawyers regularly bring litigation against pesticide companies, alleging that their products cause devastating diseases. Of course, our genetic makeup profoundly influences our risk for certain
Podcast: Pesticides, Parkinson's and the Messy Influence of Genetics
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05/21/2024 SOURCE: www.dw.com
In rural India, women are training as drone pilots for the farming sector. But they're spraying chemical pesticides. Could this technology be used in better and less environmentally harmful ways to create a true win-win solution?
Indian women take to the skies as drone pilots
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05/09/2024 SOURCE: www.agriculture.com
Global warming has brought Argentina’s corn farmers a dangerous new enemy: a yellow insect just four millimeters (0.16 inch) long that thrives in hotter temperatures and is threatening harvests of the crop. Meet the leafhopper.
As climate shifts, a leafhopper bug plagues Argentina’s corn fields
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03/27/2024 SOURCE: www.labmanager.com
Increasing shade cover over coffee plants can increase biodiversity and provide pest control, a new study has revealed
Shade-Grown Coffee Shows the Benefits of Combining Agriculture and Conservation
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03/26/2024 SOURCE: phys.org
Organic farming is often touted as a more sustainable solution for food production, leveraging natural forms of pest control to promote eco-friendly cultivation.
New research shows unintended harms of organic farming
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03/26/2024 SOURCE: www.agdaily.com
Anything -- pesticides or not -- can be toxic at high doses. It’s not a matter of organic vs. traditional, it’s about toxicity levels.
Sulfur dust and the death of a California crop dusting pilot | AGDAILY
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