08/05/2024 SOURCE: www.agproud.com
The best way to treat flies is to first understand what fly you are treating for. Remember: Face flies are found on the face, stable flies are found on front legs, and horn flies are found on the back and sides.
Controlling flies on cattle
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Topics: Ranching, Weather,
Erratic weather impacts Montana's farmers
BILLINGS, Mont. - Montana’s seasons are known to be unpredictable, which can be especially troubling for those in the agriculture industry.
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04/09/2024 SOURCE: www.agweek.com
Dave Ollila ranches in western South Dakota and utilizes the soil health principles while managing his grasslands.
South Dakota rancher describes soil health principles on grasslands
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03/26/2024 SOURCE: texasfarmbureau.org
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03/20/2024 SOURCE: agrilifetoday.tamu.edu
Free workshops will provide livestock producers with knowledge on beneficial grazing practices and cost-share conservation programs.
Workshops provide knowledge on soil health, grazing management - AgriLife Today
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03/07/2024 SOURCE: www.morningagclips.com
Truckloads of hay are rolling in, bringing feed for cattle in the wake of more than 1.2 million acres of ranchland blackened by wildfires.
Feeding Cattle After the Fire
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02/28/2024 SOURCE: southeastagnet.com
Senators Chuck Grassley and Jon Tester encourage their Senate colleagues ......for small-scale producers, and the Senators highlighted ......
Senators: Livestock Consolidation a “Bad Deal” For Consumers, Ranchers - Southeast AgNET
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12/13/2023 SOURCE: news.yahoo.com
With 10,000 cattle, Cleveland County is the eighth largest beef producer in North Carolina -- to feed all those cows, farmers rely on thousands of acres of pasture and those pastures rely on a steady supply of rain.
Cattle farmers to get federal aid for fall drought
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11/06/2023 SOURCE: www.agriculture.com
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