Soil Health
Matthew Kroger Matthew Kroger
shared this article 4 years ago
Topics: Soil Health,
Matthew Kroger Matthew Kroger
shared this image 4 years ago
Topics: Soil Health, Beekeeping,

ASTERS! A great late season flower for pollinators. I counted 19 different species on this bush yesterday.

Matthew Kroger Matthew Kroger
shared this article 4 years ago
Topics: Soil Health, Livestock/Meat, Cover Crops, Vegetables, Beekeeping, Fruit, Stone Fruit,

Many will find this hard to believe because of the conditioning we received... “Managed honey bee colonies supplement the work of natural wild pollinators, not the other way around. In a study of 41 different crop systems worldwide, honeybees only increased yield in 14 percent of the crops. Who did all the pollination? Native bees and other insects. A whole host of little blueberry bees, squash bees, and orchard bees co-evolved with many of our fruits and vegetables. It makes sense they would be good at pollination. In watermelons, native bees do 90 percent of the pollination. Native bees improve fruit production in apples. Native bee pollination creates twice as much fruit as honey bees in blueberries. In tomatoes, native bee species increase fruit production significantly.”

Matthew Kroger Matthew Kroger
shared this image 4 years ago
Topics: Soil Health, Beekeeping,

Pollinator of a Different Buzz.

When it comes to pollination honeybees are not the only thing out there. Paper wasps are not what most people would think of as a pollinator. But they are...

shared this article 4 years ago
Topics: Soil Health, Markets/Pricing, Agriculture Global, Beyond Organic , Ag Africa,

Farmers and traders lets be trustful by making sure we feed our clients healthily food. In Uganda they have found out sellers of 🍅 in markets spray certain pesticides so as to make it stay longer before selling. Am advising Farmers to plant better hybrid F1 tomato varieties which can stay longer for like 2 weeks in the market instead of using the chemicals for preserving tomatoes. Plant seeds like ASILA F1, ANNA F1 from Bayer(SEMINIS) and others like Tylka F1, Imara F1, etc which after harvesting can stay for 2 weeks without rotting.

Matthew Kroger Matthew Kroger
shared this image 4 years ago
Topics: Soil Health,

Pollinators come in all shapes, sizes, colors and species. This is likely not what you pictured is it?

Matthew Kroger Matthew Kroger
shared this article 4 years ago
Topics: Soil Health,


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