Topics: Commodities, Tobacco, Research, Ag Africa, World Population,
Agriculture on recovery path despite challenges
BY Taurai Mangudhla ZIMBABWE should enjoy a decent harvest for all crops in the current season du...
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Topics: Soybeans, Food/Nutrition, Ag Global Specialty Food,
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01/19/2021 SOURCE: modernfarmer.com
Massive monocrop farming of corn, in the United States, brings with it a whole host of push-and-pull requirements. This style of agriculture drains the soil of nutrients, making it incapable of high-yield production. To make up for that, farmers have to drench the soils in fertilizer. A new study from researchers at the University of Colorado Boulder ran models to get a sense of what the economic costs of this system are and found they are quite staggering. A key problem with trying to figure out exactly how degraded soils are, at least in the US and some other countries
Degraded Soil Costs Corn Farmers Hundreds of Millions of Dollars a Year: Study
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01/19/2021 SOURCE: www.vogue.in
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Topics: Economics, Ag Europe, World Population,
Agricultural production in Ukraine falls by 11.5% in 2020 – statistics
The agricultural production in Ukraine decreased by 11.5% in 2020 compared to the previous year, while over 11 months the decline amounted to 12.4%, the State Statistics Service said on Monday.
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01/19/2021 SOURCE: allianceforscience.cornell.edu
[Download this page as a PDF] [En Español: 10 mitos sobre los OGMs] GMO stands for “genetically modified organism.” It most commonly refers to organisms—often plants—that have been modified to achieve desired traits, like drought-tolerance and pest-resistance, using recombinant DNA techniques or genetic engineering (GE). It’s a misleading term, since we’ve been modifying the […]
10 Myths About GMOs - Alliance for Science
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01/19/2021 SOURCE: www.fastcompany.com
By changing how we feed the world—with plant-based burgers, bioreactor-grown dairy, and more efficient indoor farms—we could turn land now used for agriculture back into wilderness.
Why we need to “rewild” our environment
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Topics: Food/Nutrition,
Digital bakery: Sugar Lab launches 3D printed customized chocolate bonbons and truffles
19 Jan 2021 --- Sugar Lab has launched a new line of 3D printed chocolate truffles and bonbons as Valentine’s Day approaches. Dubbed “glamorous desserts,” the range comes in original shapes and colors, capturing the potential for beauty and culinary customization of 3D printed confections.
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Topics: Soybeans, Weeds, Economics,
Beans & Bull: On-farm Research, Cover Crops and Soil Health - Badger Bean
Benchmarking Soybean Production in the Midwest, Cover Crops & Soil Health information. About this Event Benchmarking Soybean Production in the Midwest. Shawn Conley: We often hear of the power of big data. Here we will discuss the results of a large farmer survey with data and results from 8,000 farm fields and > 600,000 acres […]
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