Topics: Soil Health, Genes /Genetics, Carbon Farming,
Soil Health Institute to Examine Genetics as Carbon Indicator
The work will utilize metagenomic and carbon data collected as part of the North American Project to Evaluate Soil Health Measurements. Metagenomics is the examination of genetic material outside of the environment.
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Topics: Soybeans, Agriculture US, Education U.S. MidWest, Food/Nutrition, Research, Food Security/Shortage, Animal Health,
Gene important in soybean protein content found after 30-year search
URBANA, Ill. – Soybeans outmatch all other legumes as the protein powerhouses of the plant kingdom, providing a key protein source for humans and livestock around the world. And now, after 30 years, University of Illinois scientists have identified the gene with the largest impact on seed protein in soybean.
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Topics: Wheat, Corn/Maize, Soybeans, Agriculture US, Water, Sustainability,
How the future of US corn, soybean and wheat production depends on sustainable groundwater use - Verve times
Spatial distribution of production loss by agricultural district from sustainable groundwater scenarios with varying recharge rates for corn (top map), soybean (middle map), and winter wheat (bottom map). Red, orange, yellow, and chartreuse dots show production lost by agricultural district for sustainable groundwater use scenarios based on 100% recharge, 75%—100% recharge, 50%—75% recharge, and 25%—50% […]
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Topics: Livestock/Meat, Agriculture US, Economics, Beef Cattle, Government / Policies,
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Topics: Agriculture Global, Sustainability, Ag India, Ag Innovation, Renewable Energy (Solar/Wind),
India's Hopes to Replace Diesel with Renewable Energy in Farms Rides on Solar, Mostly
India's plans to shift from diesel to renewable energy for its farming sector. The headlines have taken off from a statement by Power & MNRE
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Topics: Climate Change, Regenerative Agriculture, Renewable Energy (Solar/Wind),
This fuel plant will use agricultural waste to combat climate change
A planned California hydrogen facility will offer an important test of a technology that researchers say may be critical for cleaning up the atmosphere.
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Topics: Agriculture Global, World Hunger, Government / Policies, Ag Africa, Food Security/Shortage,
FAO Launches Plan to Avert Hunger Crisis in Horn of Africa
More than U.S.$138 million is needed to assist rural communities affected by extended drought in the Horn of Africa, the UN Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) has said. FAO fears that a large-scale hunger crisis could break out if rural communities do not receive adequate assistance timed to the needs of the upcoming agricultural seasons. A third consecutive year of poor rains is posing a major threat to food security in countries already facing natural resource limitations and conflict, the COVID-19 pandemic, and locust invasions during 2020-21. The FAO plan targets 1.5 million of the most at-risk rural populations in Ethiopia, Kenya and Somalia to get water, seeds, animal feed, veterinary care, and much needed cash to at-risk rural families. The organisation projects that some 25.3 million people will face "high acute food insecurity" by the middle of the year if no action is taken.
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Topics: Agriculture US, Trade (Commodities),
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