04/15/2024 SOURCE: www.feedstuffs.com
Plant will feature flexible design to process soybeans as well as softseeds.
Bunge Chevron Ag Renewables building oilseed processing plant in Louisiana
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04/15/2024 SOURCE: www.stltoday.com
On average, a small farmer in Africa produces just one-fifth as much output per acre as his North American counterpart.
Nicklaus: Path to world food security goes through St. Louis
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04/15/2024 SOURCE: kffhealthnews.org
"Rural Americans ages 25 to 54 — considered the prime working-age population — are dying of natural causes such as chronic diseases and cancer at wildly higher rates than their age-group peers in urban areas, according to the report"
Three words are commonly repeated to describe rural America and its residents: older, sicker and poorer. Obviously, there’s a lot more going on in the nation’s towns than that tired stereotype suggests. But a new report from the Agriculture Department’s Economic Research Service gives credence to the “sicker” part of the trope. Rural Americans ages […]
Rural Americans Are Way More Likely To Die Young. Why? - KFF Health News
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04/15/2024 SOURCE: medafricatimes.com
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04/15/2024 SOURCE: www.npr.org
From April 11th.
Avian influenza is being detected in more dairy herds. Scientists are paying close attention to how the virus is changing and what that means for its pandemic potential.
More states are finding bird flu in cattle. This is what scientists are watching for
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04/14/2024 SOURCE: www.mtairynews.com
Surry Community College is offering a Sustainable Beekeeping class that runs from April 20 through Aug. 17. The class will be held partly at the Center for Public Safety in
SCC offers sustainable beekeeping class
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04/14/2024 SOURCE: norfolkdailynews.com
LINCOLN — The 96th Nebraska FFA State Convention was held last week.
FFA members practice ‘Living to Serve’ during state convention
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04/14/2024 SOURCE: www.ers.usda.gov
A recent study by USDA’s Economic Research Service modeled how climate change might affect future corn and soybean yields through the middle of the next decade. U.S. corn yields were estimated to increase, but soybean yields were projected to decrease.
USDA ERS - ERS Research Models Future Effects of Climate Change on Corn and Soybean Yields, Production, and Exports
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04/14/2024 SOURCE: www.earth.com
In recent decades, the U.S. wheat market has shown remarkable stability despite facing the growing challenges of climate change
U.S. wheat market has been remarkably resilient • Earth.com
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04/14/2024 SOURCE: devpolicy.org
The PNG cocoa industry is at risk unless youth and women are integrated into cocoa farming systems, say Swan, Saul and Fidelis.
Cocoa farming in PNG for all generations - Devpolicy Blog from the Development Policy Centre
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