Nancy Kavazanjian Nancy Kavazanjian
shared this article 3 years ago

I have a sensor in a field!

Soil Management and Technology | Sand County Foundation

Sand County Foundation inspires and enables private landowners to ethically manage the natural resources in their care, so future generations have clean and abundant water, healthy soil to support the world's growing food demands, suitable habitat for wil

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Team AgWiki Team AgWiki
shared this article 3 years ago
Topics: Aquaculture/Fish Farming, Fishing (Commercial), Cellular Meat, Plant-Based/Animal Free,
John LaRose Jr. John LaRose Jr.
shared this article 3 years ago
Topics: Crop Consultant, Agriculture Global, Beekeeping, Beyond Organic , Insects, Research, World Hunger, World Population, Pollinators,
Nancy Kavazanjian Nancy Kavazanjian
shared this article 3 years ago
Topics: Weeds, Agriculture US, Cover Crops, Crop Diseases,

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Nancy Kavazanjian Nancy Kavazanjian
shared this article 3 years ago
Topics: Genes /Genetics, Climate Change,

Application of Gene Editing for Climate Change in Agriculture

Climate change imposes a severe threat to agricultural systems, food security, and human nutrition. Meanwhile, efforts in crop and livestock gene editing have been undertaken to improve performance across a range of traits. Many of the targeted phenotypes include attributes that could be beneficial for climate change adaptation. Here, we present examples of emerging gene editing applications and research initiatives that are aimed at the improvement of crops and livestock in response to climate change, and discuss technical limitations and opportunities therein. While only few applications of gene editing have been translated to agricultural production thus far, numerous studies in research settings have demonstrated the potential for potent applications to address climate change in the near future.

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John LaRose Jr. John LaRose Jr.
shared this article 3 years ago
Topics: Corn/Maize, Weeds, Agriculture US, Agriculture Global, Education U.S. MidWest, Research, Sweet Corn, Climate Change, Weather,

Think climate change is bad for corn? Add weeds to the equation

URBANA, Ill. – By the end of the century, scientists expect climate change to reduce corn yield significantly, with some estimating losses up to 28%. But those calculations are missing a key factor that could drag corn yields down even further: weeds. Wetter springs and hotter, drier summers, already becoming the norm in the Corn Belt, put stress on corn during key reproductive stages, including silking and grain fill. But those same weather conditions can benefit the scrappy weeds that thrive in tough environments.

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Nancy Kavazanjian Nancy Kavazanjian
shared this article 3 years ago
Topics: Soil Health, Research, Carbon Farming,
John LaRose Jr. John LaRose Jr.
shared this article 3 years ago
Topics: Water, Economics, Sustainability, World Hunger, World Population, Ag Australia/NZ, Weather,

09/07/2021 SOURCE:


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