03/02/2021 SOURCE: www.dtnpf.com
USDA will extend enrollment for the latest round of the Coronavirus Food Assistance Program for Additional Assistance, dubbed CFAP-AA. Signup will continue, though payments under the program remain frozen. Trade and filling vacancies at USDA agencies are also areas that will draw attention, newly sworn-in Agriculture Secretary Tom Vilsack said.
Pandemic Aid, Relief and Health in Rural America Remain Top Priorities
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03/02/2021 SOURCE: www.nationalobserver.com
Food hubs — community-run centres that provide shared space for small-scale farmers and food processors — can help improve local food security and shorten the supply chain.
Why community-run food hubs could be the key to better food security
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Topics: Soil Health, Livestock/Meat, Agriculture Global, Economics, Sustainability, Beef Cattle, Research, Ag United Kingdom,
Balancing the trade-offs for better beef
Our researchers are investigating the chemical, physical and biological interactions that drive nutrient pathways from soil through plants into livestock.
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Topics: Wheat, Food/Nutrition, Sustainability, GMO's, Ag United Kingdom, Genes /Genetics, World Hunger, World Population, Education,
Genome edited wheat to reduce cancer risk from bread and toast
Gene knockout reduces amount of harmful acrylamide forming
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Topics: Agriculture US, Young Farmers, FFA/4-H, Sustainability, Education,
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Topics: Agriculture US, Government / Policies,
Virtual NFU Convention starts today
The rumors are true: National Farmers Union’s 119th Anniversary Convention will be held virtually! In addition to being hosted online, the event will be structured a bit differently than it h…
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Topics: Wheat, Corn/Maize, Soybeans, Sorghum, Agriculture US, AgriBusiness,
Virtual Commodity Classic starts tomorrow
Commodity Classic | Home
Commodity Classic is where America's farmers meet with success. Commodity Classic is the once-a-year, can't-miss event for America's soybean, corn, wheat a
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You can listen to the USDA Secretary Vilsack press call here.
Secretary Vilsack Back at USDA
Former Secretary of Agriculture Tom Vilsack became current secretary under the Biden Administration this week, returning to the job he held for eight years under President Obama. Secretary Vilsack was confirmed by the Senate on Tuesday, sworn in virtually by Vice President Harris on Wednesday, and h
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Topics: Precision AG , Irrigation, Water, Economics, Ag India, Ag Innovation, Weather,
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