Topics: Soil Health, Agriculture US, Sustainability, Climate Change,
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Topics: USDA, Government / Policies, Climate Change,
‘We don’t have a day to waste’ on climate mitigation, says Vilsack
Actions could range from providing expert advice to producers to launching pilot projects that demonstrate best practices for climate mitigation.
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Topics: Forestry, Agriculture Global, Sustainability,
Factbox: Carbon offset credits and their pros and cons
The voluntary carbon offset credit market has the potential to play a major role in allowing society to continue to emit greenhouse gases, while striving to keep global warming under 1.5 degrees Celsius (2.7 degrees Fahrenheit) as stipulated in the Paris climate deal.
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Topics: Agriculture US, Water, Economics, Sustainability, Almonds, Weather,
Investments in California’s water may help lower costs during drought
Some California farmers are hopeful opened economic options will help balance high water prices during the summer, while extreme weather and droughts continue.
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Topics: Wheat, Rice, Economics, Ag India, World Hunger, Government / Policies, World Population,
India expected to harvest record wheat, rice crops this year: Agri ministry
Rice output is estimated to rise by 1.2% to 120.32 million tonnes
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Topics: Soil Health, Agriculture US, Education U.S. MidWest, Regenerative Agriculture,
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Topics: Water, Economics, Sustainability, World Hunger, World Population, Weather,
Drought Risk to the Agriculture Sector
Farmer losses from extreme drought represent an economically relevant share of crop production values, and may increase in coming decades as global temperatures rise.
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Topics: Economics, Sustainability, World Hunger, Government / Policies, Ag Africa, World Population,
Can agriculture be Ethiopia’s growth engine? | ZeHabesha - Latest Ethiopian News Provider %
Heinz Strubenhoff/ Brookings Institution February 24, 2021 Ethiopia is a net exporter of agriculture commodities. However, the low level of industria
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