02/24/2021 SOURCE: www.no-tillfarmer.com
National Geographic magazine recently did an in-depth article on what’s threatening the health of the five Great Lakes. The magazine is read by 3.5 million U.S. readers and in it no-till was blamed for the poor water quality and algae blooms that are choking the life out of Lake Erie.
When National Geographic Writers Condemned No-Till as the Culprit Behind Lake Erie’s Poor Water Quality and Algae Blooms, They Got it Totally Wrong
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02/24/2021 SOURCE: agwired.com
2020 was a pretty good year for Land O’Lakes, Inc., reporting a 29 percent earnings increase over 2019. The farmer-owned cooperative reports net sales of $13.9 billion and net earnings of $266 million for the year ending December 31, 2020, compared to net sales of $13.9 billion and net earnings o
Land O’Lakes Reports Strong Earnings Increase for 2020
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Topics: Young Farmers, Gardening, Ag Startups & Financing,
Kamal Bell Has Turned His Farming Business Into The Backbone Of The Community - Spectacular Magazine
Kamal Bell is providing for his community, educating the next generation about farming and caring for the environment over at Sankofa Farm.
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Topics: Wheat, Agriculture US, Crop Consultant, Agriculture Global, Sustainability, Research, World Hunger, World Population,
Breeder traces wheat’s evolution from ancient grain
Esten Mason is using his time to study wheat in Colorado and help solve production problems.
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Topics: Agriculture Global, Sustainability, Ag Tech,
Global Food Security Index (GFSI)
The Global Food Security Index (GFSI) is an annual assessment measuring food security through affordability, availability, and quality and safety metrics worldwide.
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Topics: Agriculture US, Poultry, AgriBusiness,
One of the Nation’s Largest Chicken Producers Pleads Guilty to Price
Pilgrim’s Pride Corporation (Pilgrim’s), a major broiler chicken producer based in Greeley, Colorado, has pleaded guilty and has been sentenced to pay approximately $107 million in criminal fines for
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Topics: Agriculture Global, Trade (Commodities), Coronavirus/COVID,
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Topics: Organic, Beekeeping, Beyond Organic , Gardening, Urban Farming,
Return home inspires plan for Redondo Beach community garden
Brianna Egan had to leave Redondo Beach to realize some things about her beloved home city: the general lack of environmental awareness, for example, and the fact that there are 1.
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Topics: Vegetables, Fruit, Gardening, Consumer/Retail,
Why Americans Are Falling Back in Love With Agriculture
The pandemic has given folks a new-found respect for what farmers do. A recent Gallup poll confirms that sentiment. Growers need to seize the momentum.
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02/24/2021 SOURCE: www.lexology.com
A substantial shift for genetically engineered (“GE”) food regulation may be on the horizon thanks to a USDA proposed rule with a fast closing…
FDA and USDA battle over regulating genetically engineered animals | Lexology
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