Topics: Organic, Beekeeping, Beyond Organic , Gardening, Urban Farming,
Return home inspires plan for Redondo Beach community garden
Brianna Egan had to leave Redondo Beach to realize some things about her beloved home city: the general lack of environmental awareness, for example, and the fact that there are 1.
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Topics: Vegetables, Fruit, Gardening, Consumer/Retail,
Why Americans Are Falling Back in Love With Agriculture
The pandemic has given folks a new-found respect for what farmers do. A recent Gallup poll confirms that sentiment. Growers need to seize the momentum.
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02/24/2021 SOURCE: www.lexology.com
A substantial shift for genetically engineered (“GE”) food regulation may be on the horizon thanks to a USDA proposed rule with a fast closing…
FDA and USDA battle over regulating genetically engineered animals | Lexology
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Topics: Sustainability, Regenerative Agriculture,
General Mills, Danone pilots provide proof for regenerative agriculture success | Greenbiz
Three-year results from Danone’s regenerative agriculture program focus on data over carbon sequestration, at least for now.
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Topics: Beef Cattle, Regenerative Agriculture, Ranching, Consumer/Retail,
McDonald’s: Regenerative grazing for resilient beef farms
McDonald’s UK and FAI Farms Ltd pioneer Adaptive Multi-Paddock Grazing (AMP) to build soil, reduce inputs, increase biodiversity and farm resilience.
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Topics: Agriculture US, USDA,
U.S. Senate confirms Tom Vilsack as Biden's agriculture secretary
The U.S. Senate on Tuesday confirmed Tom Vilsack to head the Department of Agriculture, returning the former Iowa governor to the job he held under ex-President Barack Obama. The 100-member Senate approved Vilsack 92-7. As secretary of the sprawling department, Vilsack will oversee about 100,000 employees responsible for food stamps, crop insurance, land conservation and other missions at a time U.S. farmers are benefiting from high soybean and corn prices but hunger is on the rise throughout America.
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Topics: Commodities, Markets/Pricing, Agriculture US, Agriculture Global, Economics, USDA, Government / Policies,
Outlook For Farmers Is (Finally) Looking Brighter
Farmers are predicted to see income they sorely haven't seen in years.
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Topics: Agriculture Global, Sustainability, GMO's, Research, CRISPR/Gene Editing, Genes /Genetics, World Hunger, World Population, Education,
Tweaking corn kernels with CRISPR - Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory
Corn—or maize—has changed over thousands of years from weedy plants that make ears with less than a dozen kernels to the cobs packed with hundreds of juicy kernels that we see on farms today. Powerful DNA-editing techniques such as CRISPR can speed up that process. Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory (CSHL) Professor David Jackson and his...
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02/23/2021 SOURCE: mjbizdaily.com
New genetic-editing technology offers cannabis companies a cost-effective way to make specific changes to marijuana and hemp plants without using GMOs.
Genetic editing offers marijuana and hemp companies a way to improve plant strains
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02/23/2021 SOURCE: www.agriculture.com
Farmers expect to be paid for climate mitigation but not at the expense of the traditional farm subsidies.
‘You cannot do climate on the backs of the American farmer’
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