02/23/2021 SOURCE: mjbizdaily.com
New genetic-editing technology offers cannabis companies a cost-effective way to make specific changes to marijuana and hemp plants without using GMOs.
Genetic editing offers marijuana and hemp companies a way to improve plant strains
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02/23/2021 SOURCE: www.agriculture.com
Farmers expect to be paid for climate mitigation but not at the expense of the traditional farm subsidies.
‘You cannot do climate on the backs of the American farmer’
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Nationally, the number of farms in the United States in 2020 is estimated at 2.019 million, down 4,400 farms from 2019. The number of farms in all sales classes declined. Total land in farms, at 896.6 million acres, a decline of 800,000 acres from 2019.
South Dakota farm and ranch numbers remain steady from 2019 to 2020
The number of farms and ranches in South Dakota didn't change from 2019 to 2020. According to USDA's National ...
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02/23/2021 SOURCE: www.fb.org
American Farm Bureau Federation President Zippy Duvall commented today on the increasing momentum behind an alliance co-founded by AFBF, the Food and Agriculture Climate Alliance, announced in a FACA news release.
Agriculture Climate Alliance Gains Momentum
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02/23/2021 SOURCE: www.dtnpf.com
Monday began with the Food and Agriculture Climate Alliance (FACA) announcing the group had expanded its tent of membership to more than 40 organizations. FACA also expanded its original eight-member organizations have added 14 more new groups to the steering committee. On Thursday, the House Agriculture Committee will hold a hearing on climate issues in agriculture.
More Ag Lobby Groups Join Food and Ag Climate Alliance
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Topics: Climate Change,
Climate expert says Texas and Wisconsin will need to adapt to climate change
As Texas continues it's recovery from winter weather, climate experts say there is evidence that cold air outbreak could be a result of climate change.
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Topics: Agriculture US, Organic, Beekeeping, Young Farmers, Pollinators,
St. Louis high school student operates Amazing Grace Honey out of his backyard in Ladue
St. Louis native Peter Grace was just 10 years old when he went on his first Amazing Grace Honey sales pitch.
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02/22/2021 SOURCE: www.laizquierdadiario.com
Google will translate to English - Bees can't wait: they warn about the remarkable fall of these essential insects
Biólogos del Conicet identifican un descenso en la recolección y observación de estos insectos indispensables para la supervivencia de plantas y cultivos agrícolas. Agronegocio y avance inmobiliario entre las amenazas. Hablamos con Eduardo Zattara, uno de ellos.
Las abejas no pueden esperar: alertan sobre la notable caída de estos insectos esenciales
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Topics: Agriculture US, Economics, Renewable Energy (Solar/Wind),
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