02/17/2021 SOURCE: act.ewg.org
From the Environmental Working Group
This dangerous chemical is contaminating our drinking water supply and putting our health at risk. Atrazine has been linked to serious health effects, like hormone disruption and cancer, and has been found in the drinking water supplies of 44 million Americans.
Tell the EPA: Ban Atrazine!
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02/17/2021 SOURCE: www.foxbusiness.com
Scott Vanderwal, a third-generation South Dakota farmer, argued that transporting oil on trucks or trains instead of through the Dakota Access Pipeline will create “tremendous competition” for commodities of farmers and will lead to a spike in transportation costs.
Biden halting Dakota Access Pipeline will increase transportation costs, SD farmer says
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Topics: GMO's, Ag Europe, Genes /Genetics, Government / Policies, Education,
Horizon Europe to fund research on genome editing in agriculture
Horizon Europe is to allocate €5 million for projects aimed at understanding the benefits and risks of genome editing technologies in agriculture over the next two years, according to a leaked draft work programme. The move is in support of the ‘Farm to Fork’ plan to reduce the use of fertilisers by 30 per cent and turn 25 per cent of agricultural land over to organic farming. To reach these objectives, the Commission says the EU needs to “enable major advances in the life sciences and biotechnology, in new genomic techniques, such as gene/genome editing.” Plans for the €5 million call come after EU agriculture ministers called on the Commission last October to enable the use of “new innovative ingredients and techniques” to boost sustainable food production, once they are shown to be safe for humans, animals and the environment. The headline figure for the call is only indicative, and the Commission could fund proposals that go beyond this figure. Also last October, French scientist Emmanuelle Charpentier, director at the Max Planck Institute for Infection Biology in Berlin, and her collaboration partner Jennifer Doudna, were awarded the Nobel prize in chemistry “for the development of a method for genome editing.” But as things stand, precision breeding of plants with gene editing technologies cannot be used in the EU, following a 2018 ruling by the European Court of Justice (ECJ), which founds genome editing is subject to the 2001 EU directive banning genetically modified organisms (GMOs). In an early post-Brexit move, the UK last month launched an industry consultation on gene editing, as it seeks to move away from EU regulations on genetically modified organisms (GMOs). Depending on the outcome, there will be a second consultation on changing the definition of a GMO. The UK government view is that organisms produced by gene editing or by other genetic technologies, should not be regulated as GMOs if they could have been produced by traditional breeding methods. The proposed €5...
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Topics: Agriculture US, Beef Cattle, Weather,
Cattlemen fighting to keep livestock alive and healthy through severe cold
Livestock producers are implementing tactics to protect cattle during severe cold and heavy snow. Here's a look at how they do it.
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Topics: Soybeans, Agriculture US, Agriculture Global, Education U.S. MidWest, Economics, Sustainability, Research, World Hunger, Ag Africa,
Soybean Innovation Lab provides knowledge that assists soybean production in Africa
URBANA, Ill. – Soybean production in Africa and other developing regions has the potential to alleviate hunger and boost local economies. But the transition from traditional crops such as cowpea or cassava to a major commercial crop such as soybean is fraught with challenges.
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02/16/2021 SOURCE: www.progressivedairy.com
While beet pulp is well-known for being an energy concentrate that cows love, feed beets have yet to be discovered in a big way.
Feed beets: An economical substitute for grains
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02/16/2021 SOURCE: www.latimes.com
Opinion Editorial
Readers respond positively to an L.A. Times column on reducing beef consumption as a way to fight climate change.
Letters to the Editor: Why you should ignore the cattle industry and stop eating beef
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Topics: Agriculture Global, Equine/Horse, Research, Education,
Heeding Groundwork: Class Review
When a baby green horse starts out, he doesnt have any kind of vocabulary for working with humans. We slowly introduce him to horse-logical body language pressures that are relieved when his feet move in the indicated direction.
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Topics: Commodities, Markets/Pricing, Livestock/Meat, Agriculture US, Economics, Beef Cattle, Weather,
Cold stress: late winter storms cause challenges for cattle
A Kansas State University beef cattle specialist is urging the state’s producers to continue monitoring their cattle’s condition, especially during periods when Mother Nature sends her winter chill.
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