02/16/2021 SOURCE: www.progressivedairy.com
While beet pulp is well-known for being an energy concentrate that cows love, feed beets have yet to be discovered in a big way.
Feed beets: An economical substitute for grains
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02/16/2021 SOURCE: www.latimes.com
Opinion Editorial
Readers respond positively to an L.A. Times column on reducing beef consumption as a way to fight climate change.
Letters to the Editor: Why you should ignore the cattle industry and stop eating beef
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Topics: Agriculture Global, Equine/Horse, Research, Education,
Heeding Groundwork: Class Review
When a baby green horse starts out, he doesnt have any kind of vocabulary for working with humans. We slowly introduce him to horse-logical body language pressures that are relieved when his feet move in the indicated direction.
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Topics: Commodities, Markets/Pricing, Livestock/Meat, Agriculture US, Economics, Beef Cattle, Weather,
Cold stress: late winter storms cause challenges for cattle
A Kansas State University beef cattle specialist is urging the state’s producers to continue monitoring their cattle’s condition, especially during periods when Mother Nature sends her winter chill.
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Topics: Agriculture Global, Food/Nutrition, World Hunger, World Population,
World Hunger: Key Facts and Statistics 2021
Learn the definition of hunger, key facts and statistics, what causes hunger, and which countries face the biggest hunger crises.
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Topics: Agriculture US, Economics,
Agricultural Economic Insights | How High? Farmland Values in 2021
The farm economy turnaround has made its way to the farmland market. This week’s post reviews key fundamentals and lies ahead for farmland values in 2021.
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Topics: Jobs, Economics, Ag India, Ag Innovation, World Hunger, Government / Policies,
In the backdrop of the challenges of fourth industrial revolution, agriculture needs disruptive digital thinking
There is a need to take a comprehensive view for a new economic model in the backdrop of the highly distorted economic inequality, impending large-scale job losses sealing opportunity for shifting people from agriculture to other sectors.
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Topics: Agriculture US, Cover Crops, Fertilizer, USDA,
right now it appears that the N just doesn’t evaporate, but given the clays in our soils, and the nature of N mineralization in these cover crops, the N may be tied up in the clay inter-layers, at least temporarily.
Nitrogen Credit from Cover Crops?? (07/18/19) — Crop & Pest Report
Most information on cover crops in books and even from some farmer-speakers indicate that if the carbon (C) to nitrogen (N) ratio (C/N ratio) of the cover crop is less than 30 to 1 then N will be released to the next crop.
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02/15/2021 SOURCE: www.nrdc.org
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02/15/2021 SOURCE: www.technologyreview.com
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