Topics: Ag Startups & Financing, Biotech, AgriBusiness,
Paine Schwartz exits ag biotech startup Verdesian Life Sciences
Verdesian develops biological, nutritional, and inoculant technologies for the specialty crop, row crop, turf, and ornamental markets.
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Topics: Soil Health, Cover Crops, Vegetables, Crop Consultant, Fruit, Gardening, Fungicides, Fertilizer,
Treating the Plant Pathogen Powdery Mildew Naturally
Common plant pathogens and how to treat them naturally. That’s coming up on This Land of Ours. Powdery Mildew is a fungal infection caused ...
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Topics: Young Farmers, Ag Africa, Coronavirus/COVID,
Young farmers take up challenge to increase Grenada’s food supply | NOW Grenada
Due to the demand for produce during the height of the Covid-19 lockdown measures last year, Andall understood the magnitude the lack of food security can have on Grenada.
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Topics: Soybeans, Agriculture US,
Winners of the 2020 WI Soybean Contest are Announced - Cool Bean
The 1st place winner in Division 4, Midthun Bros of Arlington, grew Asgrow AG20X9 and harvested 105.18 bu/a. Midthun Bros also won the 100 Bushel Award. In second place, Digman Ridge Farms of Mount Hope grew Pioneer P28A42X and harvested 98.29 bu/a. In Division 3, Thelen Sand & Gravel harvested 90.22 bu/a with Pioneer P24A80X […]
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01/22/2021 SOURCE: www.fooddive.com
The pandemic has helped push double-digit increases, but challenges loom for the category, from unsteady consumer income to uncertain supply chains.
Organic produce sales growth tops 14% in 2020
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Topics: Dairy, Agriculture US, Economics, Ag Innovation,
New generation of Wisconsin dairy farmers look for a future that keeps them on the land, following their passion
They're questioning whether they should keep going when the next round of hard times, which\u00a0never seems far away, could force them out of business.
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01/22/2021 SOURCE: www.desmoinesregister.com
With Americans driving less and using less fuel due to the coronavirus, Iowa ethanol production fell 12% in 2020 from 2019.
Iowa's ethanol production falls by 500 million gallon as Americans drive less due to COVID-19
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Topics: Wheat, Agriculture Global, Water, Economics, Ag India, Weather,
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Topics: Wheat, Agriculture US, Crop Consultant, Agriculture Global, Sustainability, Research, USDA,
USDA projects lowest Nebraska winter wheat crop on-record
The United States Department of Agriculture Winter Wheat Seedings report shows a record-low number of acres planted to wheat in Nebraska. The January 12 report estimated the seeded area for 2021 at 810,000 acres in Nebraska. The estimate is down from last year’s seeded area of 900,000. If the figure is realized, it would be [...]
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01/22/2021 SOURCE: www.nationalhogfarmer.com
Appointed advisors will serve until 2025 and provide technical expertise on trade policy matters.
Ag trade advisers named for next five years
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