Topics: Potatoes, Genes /Genetics, Biotech,
Bangladesh to import blight resistant GMO varieties developed at Michigan State University
Thousands of farmers in Bangladesh grow potatoes on over one million acres of land, spending up to a fourth of their investment on fungicide sprays to fight late blight. The disease damages 20 perc…
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12/29/2020 SOURCE: sheridanmedia.com
USDA seeks applications for grants to help Ag producers and small rural businesses develop and market new products
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12/29/2020 SOURCE: www.nationalhogfarmer.com
New proposed rule offers pathway for USDA, rather than FDA, to oversee regulatory framework for animal biotechnology.
USDA looks to end FDA turf war on gene-editing livestock oversight
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12/29/2020 SOURCE: www.inc.com
They could've taken the money and run. Instead, they became evangelists in the corporate sustainability movement.
How Clif Bar Made Sustainability Cool
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Topics: Dairy, Beef Cattle, Climate Change,
It's interesting to see research develop into products that can reduce methane emissions from cattle. As always, agriculture IS the solution...
Mitigating methane emissions
Because methane is the main greenhouse gas associated with animal agriculture, researchers have been exploring different ways to mitigate methane emissions from ruminants like cattle.Some practical solutions were discussed during a recent Kansas Beef Council seminar, sponsored by the Kansas Soybean Commission.Two solutions that have been studied are using feed additives and managing manure, said…
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Topics: Agriculture US, Cover Crops, Conservation/Tillage, Sustainability,
Upper Fox-Wolf farms network educates farmers, public about land conservation
10 farms in 8 Wisconsin counties are leading the way as members of the Upper Fox–Wolf River Basin Demonstration Farm Network.
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Topics: Agriculture Global, Trade (Commodities), Ag Innovation,
Top Ten Technologies That Will Change International Trade
The COVID-19 pandemic has accelerated the adoption of digital technologies and services, which have kept international trade flowing even as the movement of people has been restricted. From IoT to digital payments, technologies are rapidly changing the trade ecosystem, yet few have studied the opportunities and challenges that come with these changes. Today, the World […]
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12/28/2020 SOURCE: www.aginfo.net
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12/28/2020 SOURCE: www.newdelhitimes.com
“Say, ˹O Prophet,˺ “I do not find in what has been revealed to me anything forbidden to eat except carrion, running blood, swine-which is impure-or a sinful offering in the name of any other than A…
The Rumour regarding pig fat in Covid Vaccine is False and is Safe for use By Muslims
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Topics: Food Waste, Recycling, Sustainability, Climate Change,
The general public is moving quickly in alignment with these topics.
The Best Ways You Can Fight Climate Change
Companies are responsible for much of the climate crisis, but these steps can help you reduce your personal footprint.
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