Curt Livesay Curt Livesay
shared this article 4 years ago
Topics: Soil Health,

For all of you #soil nerds like me, check this out! It's the 2021 #nrcs Soils Calendar!

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John LaRose Jr. John LaRose Jr.
shared this article 4 years ago
Topics: Soybeans, Education U.S. MidWest, Drones UAV, Ag Innovation, World Population, Plant Breeding,

Drones and AI detect soybean maturity with high accuracy

URBANA, Ill. – Walking rows of soybeans in the mid-summer heat is an exhausting but essential chore in breeding new cultivars. Researchers brave the heat daily during crucial parts of the growing season to look for plants showing desirable traits, such as early pod maturity. But without a way to automate detection of these traits, breeders can’t test as many plots as they’d like in a given year, elongating the time it takes to bring new cultivars to market.

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12/10/2020 SOURCE:

Why this organic-food founder is trying to clean up the diaper business

Babies wear an average of 2,500 diapers per year--but are these essential products sufficiently regulated?

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12/09/2020 SOURCE:

Organic Valley debuts new variety of low-fat chocolate milk

Organic Valley said its new low-fat chocolate milk will hit the shelves in January.

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