01/28/2021 SOURCE: www.dailycal.org

Early life exposure to food insecurity has lasting effects, study finds

A research article published Jan. 2 observed Latinx farmworker children and found that exposure to food insecurity early in life can have a lasting impact on children’s growth.

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John LaRose Jr. John LaRose Jr.
shared this article 4 years ago
Topics: Ag Global Specialty Food,

By Shawn Tran | Special to the Daily Cal Toasted cockroaches. Fried dung beetles. Smoked locusts. Insect-eating is common in countries such as China, Mexico, Thailand and Cambodia, less so in the United States. Some experts have pitched insects as a solution to the global food crisis, citing more efficient land use and water resource management. But do we really want to eat insects? Aside from extreme environmentalists, it would probably be difficult to persuade people who are not used to eating insects to change their diets from beef to beetles."


Small school. Big internships. One-to-one learning and hands-on experiences in the heart of the agribusiness industry. Agribusiness at Greenville University