03/24/2024 SOURCE: www.medicalnewstoday.com
A genetically altered brown bovine cow recently made history by producing insulin in its milk. This diabetes breakthrough could pave the way for increasing insulin production, but more research on using transgenic cows to produce human insulin is needed.
Diabetes: Genetically altered cow produces milk with human insulin
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Topics: Soybeans, Food/Nutrition, Plant-Based/Animal Free,
LDL cholesterol: Soybean protein may help lower levels
Scientists have found that soybean varieties with greater proportions of the protein B-conglycinin may help reduce LDL cholesterol levels.
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06/14/2022 SOURCE: www.medicalnewstoday.com
A new study demonstrates that potato-derived protein concentrate powder could be used to increase the synthesis of muscle protein in healthy, young men similarly to milk protein.
Potato protein may be as good as milk for muscle protein synthesis
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Topics: Food/Nutrition,
Do food companies respond to voluntary nutrition guidelines?
A study investigated whether voluntary targets to reduce sugar, salt, and calories in manufactured foods and drinks led to healthier products.
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Looking for Ginseng's seedlings anyone who can supply let's contact to my email stanslausj@gmail.com
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