Topics: Commodities, Agriculture US, Agriculture Global, Education U.S. MidWest, Research, Fertilizer, Coronavirus/COVID,
Report analyzes record-high fertilizer prices - AgriLife Today
Farmers and economists are wringing their hands on how to get a handle on record-high fertilizer prices heading into the 2022 crop year.
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Topics: Soil Health, Precision AG , Crop Consultant, Agriculture Global, Economics, Fertilizer, Coronavirus/COVID,
Fertilizer prices continue record climb - AgriLife Today
High commodity prices continued to present opportunities for profits despite soaring fertilizer prices over recent weeks.
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Topics: Precision AG , Agriculture US, Pesticides, Agriculture Global, Economics, Pest Control, Crop Diseases, Insects, Research,
Expanding Texas’ integrated pest management teachings - AgriLife Today
Pest management outreach to both rural and urban audiences in Texas will be expanded and improved thanks to a federal grant.
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Topics: Precision AG , Agriculture US, Hemp, Research, Education,
Three Texas A&M AgriLife industrial hemp field days set - AgriLife Today
Three industrial hemp field programs will be held on Sept. 27, Oct. 7 and Oct. 8 near Lubbock, Chillicothe and Muleshoe.
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Topics: Livestock/Meat, Agriculture Global, Education U.S. SouthWest, Beef Cattle, Research, CRISPR/Gene Editing, Genes /Genetics,
Eliminating beef cattle pregnancy loss with technology - AgriLife Today
Calves on the ground mean dollars in the pocket and steaks in the meat case. Buy pregnancy loss in the beef cattle industry is a problem.
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Topics: Agriculture US, Forestry, Research, Weather,
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Topics: Soil Health, Livestock/Meat, Regenerative Agriculture, Carbon Farming,
Grazing cattle can reduce agriculture’s carbon footprint | AgriLife Today
Cattle contribute to the maintenance of healthy soils and grasslands, and proper grazing management can reduce ag's carbon footprint.
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Topics: Agriculture Global, Economics, Research, Environment, Ag Tech, Ag Innovation, Renewable Energy (Solar/Wind),
Upcycling Plastic Waste Into High-Performing Mechanical Lubricants
New research could mean fewer adverse impacts from plastic waste and cheaper lubricants used in vehicles and industrial activities.
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Topics: Livestock/Meat, Agriculture US, Agriculture Global, Education U.S. West, Beef Cattle, Regenerative Agriculture, Education, Weather,
Grazing Cattle Can Reduce Agriculture’s Carbon Footprint
Texas A&M AgriLife research shows that proper grazing protocols can regenerate soil systems and ecosystem functions.
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Topics: Precision AG , Agriculture US, Forestry, Economics, Sustainability, Research,
Texas A&M Forest Service personnel, fire resources, including two engine crews, are currently deployed to out-of-state wildfire incidents.
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