11/03/2020 SOURCE: efsa.onlinelibrary.wiley.com
The killing of cattle for human consumption (slaughtering) can take place in a slaughterhouse or on farm. The processes of slaughtering that were assessed for welfare, from the arrival of cattle unti...
Welfare of cattle at slaughter
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Topics: Cotton, Forestry, Economics, Transportation, Ag Asia / Pacific, Trade (Commodities), Government / Policies, Ag Australia/NZ,
China blocks Australian timber imports in widening trade row
Logs joins lobsters, coal and cotton on list of targets as bilateral ties fray
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11/03/2020 SOURCE: www.fwi.co.uk
Britain’s sugar beet harvest is set to see sugar production fall more than 10% compared with last season, due to widespread virus yellows disease and a
British Sugar sees sugar output drop more than 10% - Farmers Weekly
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Topics: Soil Health, Irrigation, Water, Research, Ag Innovation, World Hunger, World Population, Education, Weather,
Self-Watering Soil Could Transform Farming - UT News
AUSTIN, Texas — A new type of soil created by engineers at The University of Texas at Austin can pull water from the air and distribute it to plants,
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11/03/2020 SOURCE: www.agweek.com
Corn producers, soybean producers, hog producers and cattle producers — together we make up one heck of a team.
The importance of red meat exports to corn farmers | Agweek
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11/03/2020 SOURCE: allafrica.com
The Covid-19 pandemic has not only affected the health of thousands of people, but also food security.
Kenya: Nothing to Eat as Covid-19 Makes Life Hard for Farmers, Traders
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Topics: Livestock/Meat, Dairy, Economics, Research, Ag United Kingdom, World Population,
Autumn-calving advice for farmers - Agriland.co.uk
As many beef farmers approach the autumn-calving season, a vet is encouraging farmers to be aware of metabolic diseases.
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11/03/2020 SOURCE: www.realagriculture.com
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Topics: Ag Europe, Government / Policies, Coronavirus/COVID,
Insights on the enormous impact seasons have in agricultural economies
French citizens have spoken on agriculture, but will it have any effect?
As part of an effort to reconnect citizens with agriculture, French citizens have been invited to offer their take on the direction of the next Common Agricultural Policy (CAP). But to what extent these efforts will be reflected in policy remains to be seen. EURACTIV France reports.
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Topics: Agriculture Global, Water, Research, Ag United Kingdom, World Population, Coronavirus/COVID,
Crop disease research suggests greater face mask use is a wise move
Studies into fungal spore spread shows coronavirus may stay airborne longer than thought
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