Kim Bremmer Kim Bremmer
shared this article 4 years ago
Topics: Livestock/Meat, Dairy, Climate Change,

This is a great article discussing potential changes to how we calculate GWP (global warming potential). GWP has been widely used for 30 years without much concern for the limitations in the calculation. But we NEED to be accurate when quantifying emissions if we are going to target specific emission reductions. We need the best, most accurate information to make the most informed decisions...especially if we are going to update policy. Accuracy matters!

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John LaRose Jr. John LaRose Jr.
shared this article 4 years ago
Topics: Sustainability, World Hunger, Government / Policies, Ag Africa, World Population, Coronavirus/COVID,

Digitisation Could Transform African Agriculture

Placing an online order for farming inputs saves Velebantfu Dlamini about USD12 in transport fees for a round trip of about 320 kilometres. The 26-year-old vegetable farmer from Nkhungwini in the Shis

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12/02/2020 SOURCE:

Researchers Develop An App To Identify Cattle Through Facial Recognition | WAMU

Researchers developed a new app that applies facial recognition software to cows. The technology would let ranchers track cattle in the event of disease and help create a national traceability system.

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12/02/2020 SOURCE:

BASF e3 Program, EWR Collaborate to Enhance Cotton Supply Chain Transparency

BASF and its e3 Sustainable Cotton program is collaborating with EWR, Inc. to make bale information collection easier and more efficient for cotton farmers, ginners and the supply chain.

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Nancy Kavazanjian Nancy Kavazanjian
shared this article 4 years ago
Topics: Renewable Energy (Solar/Wind),

Long but very revealing article on value of renewable fuels

Why did renewables become so cheap so fast? And what can we do to use this global opportunity for green growth?

Fossil fuels dominate the global power supply because until very recently electricity from fossil fuels was far cheaper than electricity from renewables. This has dramatically changed within the last decade. In most places in the world power from new renewables is now cheaper than power from new fossil fuels.

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12/02/2020 SOURCE:

PETA Sends Plush Pig to Local STEM Education Exec | PETA

Today, PETA sent an adorable plush pig to Vince Bertram, president and CEO of Indianapolis-based STEM curriculum company Project Lead The Way, along with Today, PETA sent an adorable plush pig to Vince Bertram, president and CEO of Indianapolis-based STEM curriculum company Project Lead The Way, along with a letter urging him to remove dissection of fetal pigs and various animal organs from the company's Biomedical Science and Gateway programs.

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12/02/2020 SOURCE:

Company to build plant in Iowa to make pallets from corn

A Texas company has announced it will build a $15 million plant in northwest Iowa that will make environmentally-friendly shipping pallets from corn plant waste, such as stalks, husks and leaves.

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12/02/2020 SOURCE:

Why Everyone Needs To Donate $300 To Charity Now

2020 brings a rare opportunity for everyone to lower their taxes while helping others. Special chance to donate $300 to charity before the end of 2020.

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Matt Brechwald is the world's most prolific agricultural podcaster. Consistently podcasting since 2014 Matt has hosted well over 1,000 podcasts about agriculture and conducted hundreds of radio interviews as well. From his farm in Kuna, Idaho, Matt has developed the term "Off-Farm Income" into a multi-national brand.