Topics: Pork/Swine/Pig/Hog, Ag Innovation, Brazil,
Amid pandemic, orders soar for Brazil robot that feeds pigs playing classical music
Orders for a Brazilian pig-feeding robot, which plays classical music while dispensing meals, soared this year as farmers strove to cut costs amid the COVID-19 pandemic.
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Topics: Agriculture Global, Food/Nutrition, Sustainability, Climate Change,
Why some food brands want you to know their climate impact
Food labels already indicate how good or bad a product is for you. Now a growing number of food brands are labeling their products to show their climate impact.
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12/04/2020 SOURCE: agfundernews.com
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Topics: Corn/Maize, Soybeans, Livestock/Meat, Ag Podcast US, Coronavirus/COVID,
Indiana Corn, Soybean Checkoffs Partner with Livestock to Benefit Agriculture - WOWO 1190 AM | 107.5 FM
When all the different components of a motor work properly, the truck moves down the road smoothly. So it is when Indiana’s corn and soybean farmers work with the state’s meat, dairy and poultry producers. That partnership was on display on Tuesday during the second day of the Indiana Corn and Soybean Forum. The Forum […]
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Topics: Economics, Sustainability, Ag India, Government / Policies,
Why should Indian agriculture be liberalised when in most countries governments subsidise it?
Without some support from the state, the smallest of Indian peasants would be even more vulnerable.
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12/03/2020 SOURCE: m.investing.com
Nestle to invest 3.2 billion Sfr to cut carbon emissions
Nestle to invest 3.2 billion Sfr to cut carbon emissions By Reuters
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Topics: Livestock/Meat, Dairy, Climate Change,
This is a great article discussing potential changes to how we calculate GWP (global warming potential). GWP has been widely used for 30 years without much concern for the limitations in the calculation. But we NEED to be accurate when quantifying emissions if we are going to target specific emission reductions. We need the best, most accurate information to make the most informed decisions...especially if we are going to update policy. Accuracy matters!
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Topics: Sustainability, World Hunger, Government / Policies, Ag Africa, World Population, Coronavirus/COVID,
Digitisation Could Transform African Agriculture
Placing an online order for farming inputs saves Velebantfu Dlamini about USD12 in transport fees for a round trip of about 320 kilometres. The 26-year-old vegetable farmer from Nkhungwini in the Shis
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12/02/2020 SOURCE: wamu.org
Researchers developed a new app that applies facial recognition software to cows. The technology would let ranchers track cattle in the event of disease and help create a national traceability system.
Researchers Develop An App To Identify Cattle Through Facial Recognition | WAMU
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