Topics: Agriculture US, Economics,
After the Harvest: Farmers face an uncertain future despite bountiful harvests
For Minnesota farmers, it seems no good yield goes unpunished.
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Topics: Crop Consultant, Sustainability, World Hunger, Ag Africa, World Population, Regenerative Agriculture,
200,000 farmers to benefit from regenerative agricultural intervention | Bestnaira.com
No fewer than 200,000 farmers are expected to be engaged by the regenerative agricultural intervention in 10 states in Nigeria. x The regenerative initiative, the first of its kind in Nigeria would be piloted across Kano, Cross River, Jigawa, Kaduna,
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Topics: Agriculture US, Agriculture Global, Food/Nutrition, Ag Global Specialty Food, Climate Change,
There's racism in our food system, too. Here's how to combat it.
A few long, long overdue actions you can take right now.
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Topics: Commodities, Markets/Pricing, Livestock/Meat, Economics, Beef Cattle, World Population, Ag Australia/NZ,
1500 head for Elders Boyanup store sale
The yarding will be mainly beef steers & heifers, plus Friesian steers.
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Topics: Corn/Maize, Ethanol/Biofuel, Regenerative Agriculture, Ag Australia/NZ,
Biofuel sector needs a shake-up
The biofuel industry is booming in many countries, aided by supportive government policy, but in Australia it is a different story.
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Topics: Rice, Precision AG , Agriculture US, Economics, Sustainability,
Second rice crop yields high | News Break
Harvesting their second crop of the year, local rice producers are finding good yields and fair weather conditions. Rice producers in Wharton, Jackson and nearby counties are in the process of harvesting their ratoon crop, which grows after the first crop is harvested. “It’s actually been a really good year...
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Topics: Corn/Maize, Water, Sustainability, World Hunger, Ag Africa, World Population, Weather,
Farmers in Mali endorse climate-resilient and high-yielding crop varieties | News Break
Farmers in Mali, who volunteered to grow climate-resilient and locally adapted varieties of sorghum, pearl millet, groundnut and cowpea crops under the UE-APSAN-Mali project, demonstrated the superior features of their crops during a field visit by other farmers, seed producers and local officials. Small groups of selected highly motivated farmers identified through project implementing partners had carried out testing trials and demonstrations on their pilot plots.
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Topics: Commodities, Trade (Commodities), World Population, Ag Australia/NZ, Coronavirus/COVID,
Farmers' financial wellbeing beats the COVID blues
Regional Australians are much less concerned about meeting their financial commitments than their city cousins
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Topics: Agriculture Global, Economics, Drones UAV, Sustainability, Research, Ag Tech, Education,
Robots in Agriculture: Council for Agricultural Science and Technology | Grainnet
In a new issue paper published on Nov. 16, the Council for Agricultural Science and Technology (CAST) outlined opportunities provided by ground and aerial…
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11/21/2020 SOURCE: www.weforum.org
To ensure everyone in the global food system can benefit from technology, Food Innovation Hubs will drive solutions to meet local challenges and scale impact.
How Food Innovation Hubs will scale technology to transform our food system
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